
Saturday 17 November 2012

Santa Claus Parade

today is the santa claus parade downtown. after the parade, which i'm not sure how long we'll last for, we are all going to head back to Joseph and I's house for a birthday party. I spent some time this afternoon cleaning up the house, and I bought him a movie as a gift. He likes action movies so I got Fight Club. I hope he enjoys it.

Tomorrow we're going to the retired engineer's outside of winnipeg for some sledding, food and goodtimes. I think it should be fun, something different. But since there's so many of us, not everyone is going to be able to come unless people get their shit together and ask their host families or something. But as the keener that i am, i'm often planning things for the group, and have gotten a little tired of the, let's say "less responsive" members of the group. I'm not expecting everyone to come to anything that i organize, just that they respect the plan and not fuck with it since they had nothing to do with it.

Sylvan said something last night that resonated well with me: this experience is what we make it. and i don't think that i've really let people get to me, which is good considering who's talking. but it's true, some people in this group are just not worth getting worked up about. and others are. i've tried to spend most of my time with the people who are actually willing to participate in various aspects of the program, and not just doing the bare minimum.

There's only three weeks before we leave, and only 8 more days of work. and one of those days we miss half of, and since joseph and i are going to help out at one of winnipeg harvest's events outside of our usual work hours we're going to be compensated by getting three hours off another day. so we're saying maybe one day on our last week we'll just go for the morning. i'm kinda thinking friday, but maybe we'll wanna spend a full last day with our work buddies.

it really doesn't feel like i've been here for almost 8 weeks though. kinda crazy. and very soon we'll be packing our suitcases and flying overseas. We're in the search of a cheap suitcase, i'm supposing from a thrift store of some sort. We're searching because there are so many things that the Kenyans want to bring back for family and friends that they've all asked us to bring a second bag of their things. most of my bag on the way to winnipeg was filled with winter stuff anyways so it's not going to be a problem at all. i will probably send a lot back home via greyhound or something.

we're already getting emails from our supervisor about luggage restrictions and flight plans. I've been working everyday to improve my swahili, but in the end i truly doubt i'll learn much more than the amount required for the Kenyans to go "ahahaha! look at the white person try and communicate with us! that's adorable!"

as i'm preparing to leave, i'll try to skype / email everyone at least once more before leaving, though if you're reading this and dont feel youre getting sufficient george attention just let me know don't keep it all inside. or get over it. as long as youre not mad at me.

ok keep yall posted!

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