
Tuesday 27 November 2012

9 More Days

When this night comes to an end, and soon it shall, there will be only full days in Winnipeg before heading off to Kenya! I was a little stressed this weekend, trying to organize in my head all the things that I wanted to do before leaving. But i went for a walk and wrote it all down and have been slowly crossing things off my list. My list consisted of letters, skype conversations and blog entries to make, money to fundraise (cough cough fail by whole group), looking over my meds, packing stuff up to send home, getting a hold of some photographic device to capture the experience i have in kenya, working out where i may live in university, and a few other things. 

this is a special blog entry, because its being made from a very old computer. and not just any old computer - Josephs new recycled computer!! now this may not really sink in for people but you should understand that he has never owned something like this before, so for both of us this is extremely exciting. we just got it today from the IT guy from work, who was more than happy to lend a helping hand. i'm teaching him the basics of a computer and how to treat this little machine, including how to type efficiently - assuming he's interested. granted this is an older and therefor slower computer, but if he learns to type he may be able to compensate for the lack of speed with his own. for example, even though some of his fellow students may have nice laptops, he could potentially type much faster than them. and from the way it's working now i'm optimistic about how well it may serve him in the years to come. it can play music, has good wifi connection wireless, and we'll soon set up some sort of office operating system. maybe a usb stick or something too. i'm even listening to the new john mayer cd sarah sent me right now, good quality music to reflect a wonderful day :)

I say cough cough to the fundraising because in the two and a half months that we've been here, we have not raised a single dollar. I'm not sure if i really explained the goal we were given at the beginning of this program but basically there's a community group that we've agreed to fundraise money for, so they can increase community development and events in kenya. the issue was that all the canadians had already fundraised and were not expecting this request. and the kenyans were more focussed on getting ahold of computers and things for university. so no one was really personally invested in the project and it all went to shit. this next week we're going to try and get a bit of money scrounged up, but honestly it's more so clear our own conscience than to actually help someone out. a little dissapointing. and i would feel bad, except as you know i'm a super keener and got sick of being the only one really taking initiative in the group to plan things, and felt someone else needed a chance to step up. unfortunately it took a while and now were really scrambling. 

this is my mailing address in Kimende, for those interested in mailing a letter to me:

Volunteer’s Name 
P.O Box 49 00221
Matathia, Kenya

there's a lot that i know i'll take away from this that i'm not realizing yet, but every once in a while i reflect on this experience in a way that i don't usually. i can distance myself from my experience and everything, and i have these little moments of clarity. often they're so short that i don't really grasp what i'm beginning to learn, but i know that these concepts will further solidify in the future.

one thing that i'm starting to see so much more now than i did at the beginning of this program is just how patient joseph is. i really respect him for that, there has not been a single thing that he's complained to me about concerning myself and him. and i'm sure i get under his skin sometimes, but he is a really understanding guy, and i really appreciate that. i think i could learn a lot from him, because often i like to speak my mind haha. 

in general i am mystified by how intricate the connections in this group are. there are so many factors that effect every single person's actions and emotions, both internal and external to the group. and because are spending time with each other for 6 months, judgements and impressions change frequently. everyone has a take on everything, and people constantly do things that surprise me, both positive and negative. and things i once thought about people i see differently now, and know i will yet again in the future.

as we approach our departure, people are thinking more and more about home - both canadians and kenyans alike. i miss my family and friends, and it's going to be hard not being home for christmas, new years, my two year anniversary with sarah, father's birthday, etc. i definitely see home in a different light now. it's as though in my mind halifax is this sanctuary, and everything would be perfect if i was there. not to say i'm not happy here, but when the hard times come it's nice to retreat back to somewhere familiar.

anyways, i'll make sure to post once more before i leave, and attempt a few posts in kenya.

for now, this is it!

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