
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Three weeks left!

this week i've been up to some fun stuff. On tuesday me and two other guys from the group went to play with the kimende fc soccer team. It was lots and lots of fun, and it's possible that they were mocking me and the other white guy, but they seem really cool and we've returned a few times since then to play again. Either way, it's worth the enjoyment we get out of playing soccer to be mocked in a language we can't understand. And i'd say we match and even surpass the skills of some – though some of the guys we played with were ridiculous. And kenyans can RUN!
The week before we had a controversial learning day on gender equality. Some very interesting discussions took place, and in some ways i feel i can better understand what life may have been like during the 50s in canada. All the men in the team from kenya believe that women cannot be equal or above men. The opinions of some may have offended the feelings of others. Hopefully no long lasting conflicts emerge from the emotional day.
Work has been good, simple and maybe not as productive as it could be, but it keeps us busy and i'm still very happy with my choice of people to work with. Working with three mature, generally openminded kenyan men with a sense of humor has been really awesome, and i am getting very interesting perspectives on topics such as the elections, women, careers, education, and much more.
On sunday sylvan and i went for a hike and sat down in a clearing near a wooded area, and after about half an hour of lying in the sun i saw a branch move up in the trees. It was too large to have been a bird landing, and sure enough! It was a monkey! My first monkey sighting in kimende (i saw some baboons like the ones in the cartoon movie tarzan when jane is drawing the baby baboon and then the whole colony chases her) since i've arrived! And then after seeing the first one, more followed. It was really amazing. And after about fifteen minutes of gawking up in the trees some kids wandered by with three adorable puppies. It was such an awesome little moment in the woods.
Life at home is good too. The host family is really cool, i have a host brother who's 16 and loves messing with me. He even claimed he was the one who put the lizard in my sheets a month or so ago. I mess with him too. Last night i washed my hands and wiped the water on his face when i came into the house, and told him it was urine. Great reaction. For those judging me, he deserved it. And i'm sure he'll just get me back anyways.

So there's only three full weeks left, it's sad to think of leaving but i'm excited to come home too. In the next few weeks i plan to organize a few more poker games with the group, play soccer more often, and read at least one more book. Next monday me and patrice are going to plan a mini olympics for the group, including potato sack racing and three legged racing. It'll be good times i think :)
that's all folks!

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